Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome to!

Why stands for Peace Activists in Training. We are a student-run group based at the University of Maine at Farmington and this acronym fits us because it is an indication of our creative imaginations. It was once said that peace requires much more creativity than war: well, we plan to paint peace and love all over our campus and community!!

What does do?
Our goals as a group are:
  • to spread the word about the Peace Movement and to inform people about the nationwide efforts to end war 
  • to provide training workshops for student and community activists
  • to collaborate with other peace organizations, such as Veterans for Peace, Code Pink, Iraq Vets Against the War, and Peace Action Maine
  • to create a political sense of urgency regarding voting for those who prioritize peace as we do
  • to help students make informed decisions about war and peace
  • to bring much needed attention to the connection between the war and the economic crisis 

What else do I need to know?
Our meetings are held every Friday at 11:30 a.m. on the UMF campus, and we are open to community members as well as UMF students.
Our email address is
Join our Facebook group by clicking here.

Our first meeting on 9/24/10 was a great success! Congratulations to our newly elected officers:

Nicole Moreau - Vice President
Paul Philippy - Secretary
Alex Valente - Treasurer

Next Friday, we'll vote on our Constitution and brainstorm ideas for how to get our name established on campus . . . I'm thinking t-shirts, bracelets, bake sales, pennies for peace . . . Can't wait!

Jade Forester
President, UMF